A message from FRESHFARM Markets (the organizers of the DuPont CircleI love this town.
farmers market):
Where the 2007 Farm Bill Stands at This Time
In an effort to keep you updated on the Farm Bill, we wanted to let
you know that after months of negotiations, the Senate Committee on
Agriculture will be debating and amending the Farm Bill tomorrow
morning (Wednesday, October 24 at 10:00 am ). There are some wins for
local, sustainable, organic food and farming, but there are also some
things still in jeopardy or underfunded. Two national organizations -
The Community Food Security Coalition and the Sustainable Agriculture
Coalition - recently put out updates with summaries of what is in the
current draft and these can be found respectively at [here] and [here].
The Sustainable Agriculture Coalition has also just released an Action
alert on amendments that are likely to come up tomorrow and we
encourage you to review the information and take action. The action
alert can be accessed at: [here]
FRESHFARM Markets supports all components of the Farm Bill that
promote sustainable agriculture and the continued livelihood of small
and mid-sized farmers and producers. The current Senate Farm Bill
contains many provisions that benefit farmers markets and consumers;
we want to make our customers aware of ways that they can have an
impact on the Farm Bill and their food system.
23 October 2007
Wonk Market
What? A place where wonks go to date? No, it's a politically-active farmer's market, naturally.
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